Tonight we met our realtor at a house we really wanted to see. She was running a tad bit late, so we were playing on the property with the girls. And wouldn't you know it, Camdyn says those 5 words that make me cringe...."I Have To Go Potty" Ugh! Seriously, we are out in the middle of no where? There isn't a public bathroom within 2 miles, and we can't get in to the house. Then, it gets worse, "It's poopy and it has to come out." This can not wait. She's dancing and we are about to have a mess. So, I tell her she'll have to go outside, right over there, by that palm tree. The child lowers her drawers and is clutching on to my shirt so that she has a lean going on, and she lays them out, right there at the base of the palm tree and right as our Realtor shows up. EMBARRASSING! "Hi How are you? My kid just took a dump on the lawn." The clean up involves one of Chloe's diapers, a baggie, and a lot of baby wipes. I think I'm going to start carrying a potty kit in my truck; a rubbermaid container (potty) some TP, baby wipes, and some hand sanitzer. I was very unprepared for what happened tonight.
Well, I'm just barely squeaking this in today. It's been a crazy hectic day that will slide in to a relaxing weekend.
I'm Thankful this week for:
91). Great friends who lend their listening and tolerate me, usually, mostly, all of the time
92). Chloe Belle who bonked her head at school today and said "ow-ie" for the 1st time
93). Wal-Mart - whoa, I am pretty Target loyal, but Wal-Mart bailed me out today.
94). Camdyn's sudden thirst to learn her letters. She spent 30 min. on the ipad working on letters this evening and I didn't even have to ask her to
95). Unconditional Love
96). Date night with the Hubs
97). Baby Kisses
98). My bed, I'm exhausted and it's late
99). The God Lord for giving me perspective and relieveing me from stress
100). Impending Vacations - because I need one stat!

Now that poop story is one only a parent can appreciate. Just goes to show you do what you have to do! Moms are resourceful. I love your list of things to be thankful for. I see you've numbered them; I hope you're keeping a running list somewhere. I need a date night with my Hubs. I miss baby kisses :sad face: I need to figure out your secret to #99! Sometimes I feel too stressed to be blessed instead of the other way around.
I can so see that picture in my mind! Cam has no shame :) Love it!! I am glad you were able to get a date night with the hubs last week and the vacation will be a blast :) Miss you tons!
Oh that is classic! I love it! By the way, I just noticed your tag line and love it! That is SO me! Happy Friday!
OMG...My mouth was hanging open and laughing!
Was the house worth the poop story?
O.M.G. Baaaaahhhhhahahahahaha! If you buy that house, think of all the fun you could have with Cam's future dates: "And see that tree right there? That's where your girlfriend took a dump." Priceless!
too funny! We have an SUV so I had a potty in the back when I was potty training my daughter. She would be able to use it in the back when we had emergency pull-overs (especially good on the side of a highway with no grass or bushes in sight)... oh! and mall parking lots when the thought of dragging her back through the mall to find the bathrooms just wasn't worth it :)....
.....did you like the house?
Carol I have to say that On Step Ahead has the best portable potty and I always have it in the back of my car. It is the briefcase potty for 24.95. It is great! You can bring it with you when you think you won't be near a potty! Have a great night!
Mama Hen
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