I dropped Camdyn off this morning for her last day of Pre-School. I left her with 15 cups of pudding to celebrate with her friends and parting gifts for her teachers.
Surprisingly, my heart is not heavy. I'm okay with this. This is life and progression; moving on and growing up is what this gig is all about.
So, this is how we will sum up Camdyn's Pre-School career a 4 minute video of memories from the past 4.5 years. It's been good....It's been really good.
***Edited To Include***
My apologies, Flickr did not load my entire video last night. I will try and have the full version up later this afternoon. This is only the first minute of it...dang it Flickr.
The entire video is now up :)
...and we get to do it all over again with Chloe Belle.
Thanks for the Memories!
Hello world!
1 year ago
Love that you put this video together (mine stopped though at the 2 year room??) for her. She is not going to remember these preschool years and the fact that she has pics and videos to look at will let you two bond over the experience later on in life :) Cam's face hasn't changed a bit since she was a baby...too cute.
How sweet. Just love their baby faces...
I love the videos you put together! That is so cute that they wore the same color in many of the pictures. Great way to learn colors! I hope you have a wonderful week my friend!
Mama Hen
What an awesome video Carol! I wish I had pictures from school like you do. It seems like whenever we do go for the one or two family activities they have each year, I always forget my camera. :-( Cam will love that you did this for her!
And apparently I have missed several posts. I am catching up now...
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