The following stressers contributed to the awful long, crap pot of a week; Chloe's limp, worry, Dr. appt, worry, Xrays, worry, Cam's teacher assignment for next year (post on that later), worry, and probably the biggest factor, THE SOUTH BEACH DIET, starvation.
The SBD has turned me in to a carbohydrate deprived, energy-less, ornery, wench. I've been surviving this week on a lot of protein, eggs, and I think I ate an entire bag of organic frozen broccoli. I did manage to work out twice, including a down and dirty Zumba class last night. That felt awesome! I'm down nearly 4 lbs this week, so hopefully I can survive the next nine days of Phase 1 and then I'll be where I need to be and can finally indulge in a Strawberry or ten. From what I hear, this is the hardest part. Please send encouraging thoughts to my inbox, oh, and a box of e-chocolates, or a freshly baked e-cake.
The bright spots in this week included:
1) Getting the news that Chloe's X-rays are normal and that her legs/hips/ankles are perfectly fine
2) Getting a pedicure with the bestie yesterday, love my pretty tangerine toes!
3) Internet shoe shopping. LOVE IT! I decided to buy Chloe a pair of Pedipeds in the next size up on the off chance that her shoes are too small and contributing to the limp. If you haven't tried their shoes yet, you should. They are soft, made well, and Chloe loves them. She loves to put her shoes on and hates to take them off. She'll pick her pedipeds over sandals any day. These are pretty much the only shoes she wears. Her sister had 10 pairs of shoes in her closet at this age. Chloe has one. I think instead of spending $8 - $10 here and there on a bunch of different shoes, spending $30 at one time for just one shoe is a better choice.
I picked up this pair of Gisele Chocolate Brown/with polka dot shoes sized 6-12 months at a local consignment store, brand new, in the box, for $8. They were a steal, and were also the driving force behind my Pediped loyalty. (I think babies should be barefoot until they NEED shoes. Chloe began wearing these when she was 12 months old and started standing on her own. That's why she wasn't in them very long)
But, you know how kids grow. About 8 weeks later Chloe was in the next size. So, when Chloe was 14 months old, I ordered the Abigail shoe in size 12-18 months from Tiny Soles.
They sell them for $31, with free shipping. Aren't they adorable? They match EVERYTHING.
And, even though I think these will be way too big on my little peanut. I thought I should have them in the arsenal, just in case her shoes were too small, or at least be prepared for the jump to the next size. So, after about 8 weeks in the Abigail Shoe, I decided to buy a sale shoe. I ordered these in metallic silver which is not my favorite color choice, but for $15 vs. $31 -It'll do.
And finally, tonight our family is embarking on Bedtime Bootcamp. We need to train our 4 1/2 year old to go to bed when it's bedtime, stay in bed, and for goodness sake let Momma & Daddy have some alone time. We've been far too lenient letting her watch one more TV show, play quietly in her room, etc. until she is tired. The result, is that she comes out of her room 10x a night, and is constantly needing more water, or crackers, or to go potty, and Hubs and I have zero time to unwind in the evenings. These antics are wearing me down.
So, tonight it starts - Bedtime Bootcamp. By 8:30, Camdyn will be in her bed with the lights off, and will be on her way to dream land. I am no longer going to allow her antics/stalling, and I will sit in a chair at the far end of her gigantic bedroom, and watch her fall asleep....every night....for as long as it takes for her to understand that going to bed at 8:30 and promptly falling asleep is what is expected of her.
Pray for me or send me a bottle of wine.
This is going to be a test of my patience, my will power, and probably my sanity. But, in the long run it will pay off.
Big Thanks to Mama Hen at Mama's Little Chick for the
I am feeling pretty darn foxy now that I have this pretty little award in the cabinet and am down almost 4 lbs.

And I lovie me this 

Thank you TV at TV's Take for this award. If you haven't visited TV yet, you should. She writes short concise blogs that inspire you to use your brain power, perhaps share a standpoint, or an experience, and she's just a breath of fresh air.
I hope ya'll enjoy your weekend! I'm starting mine in 4 hours (man this post took awhile) and I'm going to kick it off with an hour long photo shoot that I have been looking forward to for days! Hopefully I have some worth while pics to share next week!