Camdyn's affinity for horses spans back at least a year and half, and when you are freshly 6 years old, a year and a half is a big chunk of your life. She's been taking private riding lessons since October. It's something that I thought would eventually wear on her, like swimming lessons and dance classes, and those crowded gymnastics classes at the Y. I thought it would run its course. Well, it still is, and it's the one and only thing in life that Cam has ever been fiercely dedicated to.
Hi. Let me introduce you to Market. (Initially I wrote Meet Market...but that sounds meat market, and y'all we are at the ranch not at the gym).
Market is a registered American Quarter Horse, and Cam has only ridden her twice. It turns out that her trot is smooth and her temperament trusting.
It turns out that Market is Cam's new favorite horse (so sorry girl is outgrowing you).
Cam's perfecting her 2 point position, she has her crop in hand. She's focused on the goals ahead. She's about to turn the corner...
Focus and determination painted across her face, much the same as Market bears her blaze. She will do this...
And she does; without fear, or doubts, or hesitation. She jumps. She's locked in 2 point, hands grasping mane and her crop, momentum forward, looking through Market's ears and focused on the end of the course. 2 jumps completed, one right after the other.
This is her success.
Actually, no, this is our success. Our success in raising one extremely independent, bold, and fearless little girl.
A little girl who is able to start recognizing her dreams. A little girl who has parents who support her and her passions even though there are moments where it absolutely scares the bejezus out of me (and yes, she's already fallen off a few times).
And this part of know the part where your children start becoming little people, with long term goals, feelings that they adequately communicate, and real accomplishments...makes me so excited about what the future holds.
We are going to tackle these rails together, Camdyn. One hoof in front of the other, eyes focused on the goal....we are going to do it.
Hello world!
1 year ago